Convert You Car to Burn Water - Increase Savings on Fuel, and Go Greener!

Necessity is the mother of invention! We all know what the necessity of today is, yeah, a solution to the ever increasing fuel prices. Seems the invention is up to handle this necessity. There was this video report on the television (FOX News and many other international channels) which showed the inventor of the HHO Gas car kit explaining about his technology and how it helps us make the best use of the available fuel. There is increase of 20 - 50% in gas mileage reported by those who used it. The technique has gained immense popularity and the internet is filled with information as to how to build and install it.

Be it the gas, petrol or diesel engine that you have, the thing is you can convert your car to burn water in any case. We subject the water to the chemical process called electrolysis and results in the formation of the Browns gas (or HHO gas) and this is then injected to the engine manifold through vacuum pipes and result is that the fuel is use efficiently, there is less wastage of fuel and reduced emissions. There are readily made kits that are available from shop, but if you have slight knowledge of how to go on about being a mechanic you can easily make your own kit and save hundreds of dollars, for it should cost only around - 0 if you build your own kit.


The information for building the kits are in loads online and the dedicated forums and communities can be of great help. You build and plug it onto your car. No modifications in the structure or computer system, just a few bolts onto your car and you are ready to go, and you can also remove it untraceable.

Convert You Car to Burn Water - Increase Savings on Fuel, and Go Greener!

Do you want to convert your car [] to run on water with less than 150$, including the conversion kit?

Best Conversion Guides [] that you can use to convert your car to run on HHO extracted from water reviewed.