What are Inspirational Phrases?
What do they do, who utilizes them and why? Oprah, CEO's and Salesmen are notorious for creating motivating art and posting inspiring quotes in their office of home to inspire them. Many write their goals as phrases for inspiration and post them on walls or computers. A quote or a phrase is ordinary. The key word is inspirational. Because Inspirational phrases or words can produce a divine like influence that stimulates the mind to a high degree of feeling or activity...
Inspirational Gifts Encourage
Friends and family give cards, books, music and art to one another with the hope of inspiring others to encourage, achieve or continue greatness.
Why are these so effective? They have been used for centuries.
An inspirational phrase is different from a quote. A quote is an excerpt of something someone said.
Words plus inspiration equal divine like results.
The key word is inspirational. Inspirational phrases or words can produce a divine like influence that stimulates the mind to a high degree of feeling or activity. Some quotes are inspirational others are like a phrase- without the inspiration.
"Words plus inspiration equal divine like results."
Inspirational words or phrases are so important because when heard they seem to have a divine quality to them when heard. Either the person saying the words are divinely inspired or the person who heard them or divinely inspired to act or inspired to act in a more divine manner.
Inspiration as the dictionary details is the stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity,
Inspirational word or phrase can spark a sudden creative idea or act or solution.
That is why they are so important. why people seek to find them, read them and listen to them.
Literally something Divine happens.
The origins come from the word Inspirare "inspire, inflame, blow into"An influence that is directly exerted on the mind and soul of the human being. After all the word Inspire literally means from the greek "God breathed" from which we get the word related to breathing in and out to inspire. Opposite of to exhale.
For me hearing inspiring words is as essential as breathing in and out.
How, what and when are you inspired?
While writing this article on inspirational phrases I sent a FB post asking "What inspires you?" immediately was struck by the 5 replies - they ranged in reply from a. My husband (Relationship) b. Spending time in nature, music, exploring, art galleries, shopping in antique shops, hanging out with creative people.
Music, reading the bible ( God- Religion) Reading posts of friends ( I guess it may depend on the type of friends you have -but knowing this person she probably has a lot of inspiration inspiring friends.
Well, I get inspired by reading the inspired posts of my friends.
What inspires you!
Some of us are inspired by nature, music, art other people, quotes, words or inspirational phrases.
Whatever our motivations we are changed by our inspirations.
Looks like many things inspire people and some are inspired by words and phrases more than others.
Utilizing Inspirational phrases seems like an inexpensive and easy way to get that charge of inspiration - my goal is to keep them in front of me at all times as many times as I can. Through books, calendars, posters etc. I'll start collecting those at Inspirational Phrases.
Inspirational Phrases to Inspire Creative, Divine Results
Anita is an inspirational designer searching for and sharing life changing Inspirational products that are convenient, timesavers that make a positive impact on lives. Whatever tool that works from design cards, posters, greeting cards, anything visual that helps Motivate, Inspire, mesmerize, revitalize dreams, goals visions. Sayings encourage people to keep going not give up- power packed promises that help other know their purpose, recover health, Increase finances, security, peace of mind. That uplift and change attitudes, thoughts and self talk. Collections of Inspirational Phrases